Anyone who ever scores against the reds deserves to be
Remembered as an icon, recognised in history
The record books don’t lie and it isn’t just one game
Sharp in front of goal – sharp by nature, Sharp by name
Anyone who ever scores an opener at Wembley
And helps us lift the FA Cup is destined to be legendary
Deserving of all credit, deserving of all fame
Sharp as a tack, sharp shooter – sharp by nature, Sharp by name
Anyone who ever scores a goal against a German team
Assists us in our quest to live the European dream
A champion and winner, these memories remain
Sharp as any arrow – sharp by nature, Sharp by name
Anyone who ever scores while wearing royal blue
Receiving Goodison applause and does the things we’d love to do
Sharing our belief, together in one aim
Sharp and to the point – sharp by nature, Sharp by name
Anyone who ever scores the record goals that you have scored
Deserves the honour of us all, this affection this award
A smile upon your face, you always seem the same
A name that says it all – sharp by nature, Sharp by name
Paul Cookson